Siri’s Farewell

SiriPayakapan3It’s has been an honor serving you, as your District Director this year. Collaborating with our leadership team to guide the 13th-largest-number-of-clubs-District in the world, has expanded my horizon in more ways than I have imagined.

Here is my story.

Leadership opportunities, from Club, to Area, to Division, to District, have transformed me from a quiet, private person to a confident leader of 4,500+ members.

I am grateful to Harry Yan, DTM, PDG, who “saw something in me,” and encouraged me to serve as Assistant Division Governor, LACE Co-Chair, and Public Relations Officer.

With each leadership “learning by doing” experience, and Harry Yan as my Advisor, my skills grew and I gained the confidence to campaign and win elections for District’s top three Directorships.

I have grown exponentially, developing fresh insights into District leadership dynamics. Diverse points of view enlightened my perspective. My Toastmaster passion has deepened.

This has been a historic year: we reformed ourselves into two districts, thanks to effective collaboration among 71 District Executive Committee members, assistant directors, chairs of various committees, and especially members.

As a leadership team we:

  • “Remembered the Members”
  • Upheld Toastmasters International core values: Integrity, Respect, Service, and Excellence.

I am proud of our accomplishments for the long term strength of both Founder’s District and District 100, including:

  1. Comprehensive District Budget Guidelines starting the new year, in compliance with Toastmasters International specific categories and subcategories.
  2. Strong Communication Among District Leaders through monthly face-to-face meetings, weekly conference calls, and 24-7 via Trello and Slack collaboration tools.
  3. Succession Plans provided a pool of qualified leaders by training two Assistant Area Directors and Assistant Division Directors, for each office.
  4. Team Spirit and Mutual Assistance emerged among Division Directors, with healthy quorums at every District Executive Committee and District Council meeting.
  5. helps members track personal achievements, as well as club, area, and division.
  6. Reach for the Star Program tracks members involvement in Founder’s District programs.
  7. Founder’s District First Candidates Showcase, conducted by Alfred Herzing, DTM, PIP, connected candidates with voters. Leadership Exhibits organized by Frannie Stein, DTM, introduced members to leadership opportunities.

Thank you, 2016-2017 District leaders, for your commitment, persistence, and friendship.

In addition to the names listed in the 2016-2017 District Directory, numerous experienced Toastmasters and esteemed Past District Governors, especially Lou Ann Frederick, DTM, PDG, have provided valuable contributions behind the scenes.

I owe much to my husband, Ranong, who chauffeured me around, moved heavy supplies to District events, and photo-documented memorable images.

New Leaders of Founder’s District and District 100, under directorship of Dan Cossack, DTM, and Karen Lucas, DTM, respectively—Congratulations, as you Expand Your Horizons!

Founder’s District members…

Share your success stories, as I do. You will:

  • Motivate and energize others
  • Inspire clubs to excellence
  • Attract new members

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.



