Serving Orange County since 1944
- It’s Time to Renew Our Membership!Happy March Founder’s District! Welcome to March, Founder’s District! Jeanne Cassidy, your District Director here. This month is known for the beginning of spring, the Vernal Equinox, St. Patrick’s Day, and the return of Daylight Savings Time, where we spring forward. [Read More]
- 2025 Founder’s District ConferencePurchase your ticket here – Visit the ticket website (above) or the district conference website for the latest news on the conference. Speakers, events and activities will be posted over the next weeks and months!
- Latest Founder’s District NewsMarch 7 Newsletter – Celebrating Pathways Achievers! Let’s keep striving for progress and self-improvement! Enjoy and learn from Contest Season in Founder’s District! Register for free online contests and purchase tickets for the in person contests. There are always opportunities for [Read More]
- Upcoming Training & EventsFounder’s District offers training and special events for members every month,. Please visit our ‘upcoming events‘ page for details and registration links! Keep learning, keep striving to the BEST version of ourselves!
- Club AnniversariesHappy Club Anniversary to our March chartered clubs! Orange Circle (3/1/1963)Civil Speakers (3/1/1981)Astromasters (3/1/1988)Articulate Athletes (3/1/1992)Ingram Microphones (3/1/1997)Orange Toast (3/1/2000)Lensmasters (3/4/2000)Divine Light (3/30/2015)Candid Speaking Superstars (3/26/2015)Chinese Irvine (3/1/2019)OneDigital (3/1/2020)Talega Toastmasters of San Clemente (3/18/2022)Toastinos PRPizza Rolls (3/1/2023) Happy Club Anniversary to our February chartered clubs! Water Meeters (2/1/1987) North Tustin Sensational Speakers (2/1/1978) [Read More]
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“The unprepared speaker has a right to be afraid.”
— Ralph C. Smedley
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Located in beautiful Southern California, Founder’s District is the birthplace of Toastmasters International, serving clubs in Orange County since 1944.

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