
1944 – The Founding

Founder’s District began operations on July 1, 1944. Prior to that, it was the Eastern Division of District 1. At an Eastern Division Council meeting, February 18, 1944, Graham J. Albright, then Governor of the Eastern Division, appointed a committee to study the advisability of dividing District 1.

At a Toastmasters International Board of Directors meeting on July 28, 1944, James Barnet, Governor of District 1, moved the approval of a request for final division; the motion carried. Governor Barnet then presented Graham J. Albright as the first Governor of Founder’s District.

Governor Albright is credited with suggesting the name “Founder’s” for the new district. The title is said to have come to him in a dream. The name was submitted to the Eastern Division Council which received it enthusiastically. It was approved later by Toastmasters International Board of Directors as the official name for the newly formed district.

Founder’s District began operations with three areas, simply “1”, “2” and “3”. There were 18 clubs in the district, six in each area. Six new clubs were chartered and area “4” was formed during the first year, 1944–1945.

1947-1960 – Organization

The office of “Lieutenant Governor for Districts” was officially approved by Toastmasters International Board of Directors at its 1947 convention. During the remainder of 1947–1948, the District could fill the office by appointment; thereafter it was to become an elective office of the District. Governor R. E. Lee Aldrich did not make an appointment during his term. At the Spring Conference in 1948, L. A. White was elected as the first Lieutenant Governor of Founder’s District for the year 1948–1949.

All District Governors have been elected at annual Spring Council meetings except Harvey L. McPherson. He was elected at the Fall Council meeting in 1952 to fill the vacancy when Wayland A. Dunham resigned to become Associate Educational Director of Toastmasters International.

At the same Fall Council meeting in 1952, the Council passed a resolution asking all clubs of the District to contribute 50 cents per member for allocation to travel expenses of district officers. This practice continued until 1963 when the Board of Directors of Toastmasters International provided additional funds for district operations. The 1952 Fall Council also voted to separate the District into an Eastern and Western Divisions for the purpose of selecting district speech contest participants.

The first District Humorous Speech Contest was held during the year 1954–1955. The District winner was determined immediately after the noon luncheon at the Spring Conference. In 1954 the first District Bulletin, called the All Points Bulletin began publication. The editor was Richard Michter. That bulletin was discontinued after several years.

At the Spring Conference in 1956, the Club Extension Committee recommended that Founder’s District be divided into three Divisions, which was approved by the District Council. The office of “Lieutenant Governor for the District” was changed to “Lieutenant Governor Marketing” at the same conference.

The officers elected to fill the newly established offices were: Paris S. Jackson, Administrative Lt. Governor; John Zimmerman, Lieutenant Governor for Division A; Maurice A. Shebaum, Lieutenant Governor for Division B; and Horton Swicher, Lieutenant Governor for Division C.

1961–1971 – Development

The District Council voted to add Division D to the District at its 1963 Spring Conference. William W. Irwin was elected as the first Lieutenant Governor for Division D, serving during the term 1963–1964. This same year, under District Governor Donald D. Foss, DTM; the District Bulletin was named The Founder.

The District reached a total of 117 clubs in 1965, under Governor H. Al Richardson. That was the largest number of clubs attained during the District’s first 35 years of operation, 1944–1979.

During this period, three past Governors of Founder’s District were elected Directors of Toastmasters International; Glen E. Welch in 1953, Paris S. Jackson in 1960 and Amos W. Randain 1964. Two of these men were also elected to senior offices in Toastmasters International during that period; Paris S. Jackson was elected Vice President for Education in 1962, Senior Vice President in 1963 and President of Toastmasters International in 1964. Amos W. Randall was elected Third Vice President in 1968.

The title “Administrative Lt. Governor” was changed to “Senior Lieutenant” at the 1968 Spring Council meeting. Vance J. Mingus was elected at the same conference as the first Senior Lieutenant Governor. Toastmasters International later requested that all districts use the same title for the top three district officers. The titles uniformly adopted were: District Governor, Lieutenant Governor Administration and Lieutenant Governor Education. These changes were approved by the District Council at the Spring Conference on May 15, 1971 and became effective July 1, 1971.

The Silver Anniversary of Founder’s District was celebrated March 22, 1969 with a dinner-dance atthe Grand Hotel in Anaheim. Past Governors Paris S. Jackson and Maurice A. Shenbaum were co-chairs, and Governor C. A. (Bud) Welch, ATM presided. During the program, the new District insignia, designed by Max R. McVay, PDG, DTM was displayed for the first time.

1972–1979 – Growth and Recognition

The Constitution and Bylaws of Toastmasters International were amended at the International Convention in 1972 to permit the induction of women members, a change which had profound and beneficial effects on the membership growth and officer makeup of Founder’s District in subsequent years.

The 1974 Toastmasters International Convention was hosted by Founder’s District, under District Governor A. W. (Art) Hofner, from August 13 through 17 at the Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim. Past District Governor C.A. (Bud) Welch, ATM and Vance Mingus, DTM, served as Chair and Co-Chair, respectively, for the event. More than 200 Toastmasters from Founder’s District volunteered their services for the five-day event.

Under the leadership of Governor John S. Latin, DTM, Founder’s District received recognition as a Distinguished District in 1975–1976. Past District Governor Latin was elected International Directoin 1977 and served with distinction for his two-year term.

Founder’s District reached the top in 1976–1977 as President’s Distinguished District under District Governor Walt Hamilton, DTM.

Recognition as a Distinguished District came again in 1977–1978 under Governor Howard Clark, DTM. During the same year, The Founder was awarded the distinction of Top Ten District Bulletin, under the editorship of Mary Lee, CTM. Only one year after chartering, the Rockwell Bicentennial Club #3798 became the first club in Founder’s District to be designated as one of the Top Ten Clubs in Toastmasters International.

The Western boundaries of the District were changed and a fifth division was created at the Spring Conference in 1978, under District Governor Howard Clark, DTM. Rich Weis, DTM was the first Division Governor for Division E. The first Administrative Committee was propsed and formed that year by Christos Gratsinopoulos, DTM, Administrative Lt. Governor. The Committee was approved and formed at the August 1978 District Executive Committee meeting.

In 1978–1979, under Governor Don Robinson, DTM, Founder’s District was again recognized as a President’s Distinguished District. The Founder, under the editorship of Diane Gratsinopoulos, became a Top Ten District Bulletin. Club bulletins published by Smedley Chapter #1 and by Westwinds Club #2436 were among the Top Ten Club Bulletins in Toastmasters International. Blue Flame Club #2717 was designated as one of the Top Ten Clubs in Toastmasters International. A new record for the entire international organization was set when 21 new clubs were chartered in Founder’s District with Vance J. Mingus, DTM, PDG as Club Extension Chair.

Its own record for new clubs formed in one year was broken by Founder’s District in 1979–1980 with Chris Gratsinopoulos, DTM as District Governor and John S. Latin, DTM, PDG as Club Extension Chair. Twenty-nine clubs were chartered and active clubs at year-end totaled 164. Rockwell-Anaheim Bicentennial Club #3798’s bulletin, Rab’s Rappings, was listed among the Top Ten Club Bulletins. Founder’s District again received recognition in 1979 when Past District Governor, H. Al Richardson, DTM became the fifth person from Founder’s District to be elected International Director.

During the same year, Division C was realigned with the resulting new division being called Division F. This action was taken at the Spring Conference of 1980. Jerry Weitzman, ATM was elected first Lieutenant Governor for Division F.

1980–1989 – The Tradition Continues

Kermit Ekegren, DTM was Founder’s District Governor for 1980–1981, and Founder’s was once again recognized as a Distinguished District. An outstanding achievement of the year 1980–1981 was the registration of 74 Speechcraft programs by Founder’s District. This was a new record for Toastmasters International. Major credit for this achievement was given to Roy D. Graham, DTM, PID, District Speechcraft Chair.

That year again, The Founder received the recognition of a Top Ten District Bulletin with Alice Hollman, DTM as Editor. Three club bulletins were listed among the Top Ten Club Bulletins of Toastmasters International. They were Westwinds Report, Club #2436, Speaking Easy, Club #2945 and Rab’s Rappings, Club #3798. Blue Flame Club #2717 was recognized as a Top Ten Club by Toastmaster International.

The first woman to be elected District Governor for Founder’s District was D. Adele Stagner, DTM who received this honor at the 1981 Spring Conference. At this same conference, Division A was realigned and a new Division was formed for the Southern part of Orange County with John Hall elected as the first Lieutenant Governor for Division G. For her expert leadership that year, Adele Stagner, DTM received the honor of Distinguished District, and Editor, Frank Ortega, DTM published The Founder, a Top Ten District Bulletin.

At the 1981 International Convention in Phoenix, John S. Latin, DTM, PID was elected Third Vice President of Toastmasters International.

At the Fall 1981 Conference, the Gene Beckwith Memorial Trophy, through the generosity of Dr. Tom Kuramata and the members of Westwinds Club #2436, was established. It is for the District Governor selection of the Toastmaster in Founder’s District who best exemplifies the humor, wisdom and leadership qualities of Gene Bechwith, DTM, PDG. The first recipient of this award was Roy D. Graham, DTM, PID.

At the 1982 International Convention in Philadelphia, John S. Latin was elected Second Vice President; then in 1983 in San Diego, he became Senior Vice President. The winner of the 1983 International Speech Contest in San Diego was Founder’s own Roy Fenstermaker, DTM. Willard E. Tolles received a Presidential Citation at the International Convention in August 1983.

The 42nd District Governor, Myra L.Obert, DTM led the District to Distinguished status for 1983–1984, and Brenda Keeling, DTM, Editor for The Founder, was honored with a Top Ten District Bulletin. para At the 1984 International Convention in Orlando, Founder’s District proudly witnessed John S. Latin elected as International President. para Founder’s was once again a Distinguished District for the year 1984–1985 under District Governor Herbert J. Stockinger, DTM. In addition, Club #841 published Passwords, a Top Ten Club Bulletin.

The District had two publications recognized in 1985–1986; The Founder with Rita Chastain as Editor produced a Top Ten District Bulletin and Smedley Club #1 produced Tattles, a Top Ten Club Bulletin.

The next three years found the District recognized as Distinguished under 1986–1987 Governor John A. Garcia, DTM, 1987–1988 Governor Colette Gardner, DTM and 1988–1989 Governor Brenda L. Keeling, DTM. Preparation for the new District 12 began during the 1988–1989 year with Co-Lieutenant Governors serving. July 1, 1989, District 12 was formed out of Founder’s Divisions C and F. August 1989, Governors Marian Bell (District-12) and William Doane (Founder’s) jointly hosted the International Convention in Palm Desert. Toastmasters from both Districts worked together serving nearly 2000 guests from around the world. In 1987–1988 The Founder was a Top Ten District Bulletin thanks to Editor, Charlotte Simmons, ATM. The Founder’s 1989–1990 Editor, Steve Woods, changed the format of the bulletin and its quality was again recognized as a Top Ten District Bulletin.

1990–1999 – Preparing for the New Millennium

The 1991–1992 term introduced new titles for the top officers. The Educational Lieutenant Governor became the Lt. Governor Education and Training. The tasks of the Lt. Governor Administration were divided between two newly titled officers, the Lieutenant Governor Marketing and the Public Relations Officer. At the same time the Division Lieutenant Governors becameDivision Governors. The 50th District Governor, Betty Colston, DTM, achieved Distinguished District for the year 1991–1992.

Four members of Founder’s were honored with a Presidential Citation at the International Conventions: Juanita Skillman, DTM in 1991 in Dallas; John S. Latin, DTM, PIP in 1994 in Louisville; Gladys Flint, DTM, PDG in 1997 in New Orleans; and Joan Laing, DTM, PDG of District 1 in 1999 in Chicago.

In 1994–1995, The Founder was a Top Ten District Bulletin thanks to Editor Michelle Wedemeyer. Club bulletin, Kaiser Permanente TOASTMASTERS, was one of the Top Ten Club Bulletins with Keri Tahara as Editor. Hank Kunkel, DTM, Lieutenant Governor Education and Training was recognized for Excellence In Education and Training.

In 1995–1996 Jeffrey L. Chess, DTM, Lieutenant Governor Education and Training was recognized for Excellence in Education and Training.

In 1996–1997 Ron Maroko, DTM, Lieutenant Governor Education and Training was recognized for Excellence in Education and Training.

In July 1997, Toastmasters International changed the educational system originally implemented in 1984. It established a clearly defined communication track and a clearly defined leadership track that are not mutually exclusive. CTM remains the first award members may achieve. DTM remains the highest award, although its requirements changed. The new program adds the awards of CL and AL while changing the Able recognition awards to Advanced. TI ran both the old and new programs until July 1999, at which time the old program was suspended.

In 1997–1998 Founder’s District achieved Distinguished status under District Governor Ron Maroko, DTM. Club 5174, Wolden Multimedia Presenters earned President’s Top Five Distinguished Club and was ranked number one in the world for Clubs with fewer than 20 members. Club 615, Zingers, received recognition in the Top 10 Newsletter contest for its club bulletin //The Serrated Edge// published by Regina Roland. The District launched its presence in cyberspace by establishing its own web site.

At the 1998 International Convention in Palm Desert, Alfred Herzing, DTM, PID was elected Third Vice President of Toastmasters International.

Founder’s hosted International President Terry Daily, DTM, at its Fall Conference in November 1998. President Daily visited many potential club locations while in Founder’s and at the mid-year Board meeting, recounted how hard Founder’s had worked him. Founder’s Mike Lattimore won the Region II International Speech Contest, earning the honor of competing at the International Convention in August 1999 in Chicago. For the District’s educational successes in 1998–1999 John Angiolillo, DTM, Lieutenant Governor Education and Training was recognized for Excellence in Education and Training.

The last Toastmaster year of the century ends with Founder’s having seven Divisions and 36 Areas serving 179 Clubs.

During the 2000 International Convention in Miami Beach, Florida two Founder’s Leaders received recognition: Linda Northrop, DTM for Excellence in Education and Training; and Ron Maroko, DTM. PDG as Editor of The Founder as a Top 10 District Newsletter.

2000-2009 – The New Millenium

During the term 2000–01, District Governor Linda Northrop, DTM, led Founder’s District to Distinguished status. For outstanding leadership performance during this term, Toastmasters International recognized Wilma Springer, DTM, Lieutenant Governor of Education and Training for Excellence in Education and Training; and Lauren Kelly, DTM, Lieutenant Governor of Marketing for Excellence in Marketing.

Founder’s District served as Host District for the Toastmasters International 70th Annual Convention held in the Hilton-Anaheim Hotel August 22–25, 2001. During the Hall of Fame awards ceremonies, The Founder, edited by Kelly Teenor, DTM, PDG, was named a Top Ten District Bulletin. Also, Alfred Herzing, DTM, Toastmasters International First Vice President was elected International President for the term 2001–02.

In 2001–02 District Governor Wilma Springer, DTM led Founder’s District to Distinguished status. During the 71st International Convention in San Antonio, Texas Lt. Governor R. Kent Jones, DTM and Lt. Governor Lauren Kelly, DTM were recognized respectively for Excellence in Marketing and for Excellence in Education and Training. The Founder, edited by Lyle Wiedeman, ATM-G was named a Top 10 District Newsletter again. Also, Past District Governor John Angiolillo, DTM was presented with a Presidential Citation for his contributions and dedicated service in Founder’s District.

During the 72nd Annual Convention in Atlanta, Georgia, Hall of Fame awards ceremony, August 22nd, 2003. Lt. Governor, R. Kent Jones, DTM was recognized for Excellence in Education and Training.

During the Hall of Fame Awards ceremony at the 73rd Annual Convention in Reno, Nevada, August 20, 2004, Norman L. Cook, DTM, Lieutenant Governor Education and Training was recognized for Excellence in Education and Training. In addition, Past International President Alfred R. Herzing, DTM received a Presidential Citation for his dedication to the success of Toastmasters International and Dan Rex, ATM-B received a Presidential Citation for his tireless efforts implementing a modern information system at Toastmasters International Headquarters.

District Governor Norm Cook’s theme for 2004–2005 was Succeed with a B.A.N.G., which is an acronym for Basic manuals, Advanced manuals, New Clubs, and Growth in membership. Founder’s hosted International President Jon Greiner, DTM, at its Fall Conference in November 2004, celebrating the 80th anniversary of Toastmasters International at the Santa Ana Performing Arts Center, just a few blocks from the original Santa Ana YMCA meeting location used by Dr. Ralph C. Smedley. At the Spring Conference, all of the Divisions were redrawn and an 8th Division was formed to prepare for future Area expansion without major realignment. Ed J. Mihalka, DTM, was elected as the first Division Governor for Division H. During the Hall of Fame Awards at the 74th Convention in Toronto, Canada, on August 26, 2005, Ken Sisco, DTM was recognized for Excellence in Education and Training. In addition, Terry McCann, ATM-S, was given a Presidential Citation for his work in the growth and evolution of the world’s greatest communication and leadership training organization.

In July 2006, Toastmasters International changed the educational system. It strengthened the leadership track by introducing a Competent Leadership manual, and renamed the communications track award designations. CC (Competent Communicator) replaced the CTM designation and AC (Advanced Communicator) replaced the ATM designations; the requirements for the awards did not change. The requirement for CL (Competent Leader) changed to completion of the new CL manual. New AL (Advanced Leader) Bronze and Silver designations were added. The AL-B award replaced the old CL award, while the AL-S award replaced the old AL award. DTM remained the highest award, achieved by completing AC-G and AL-S. Members had the option of using either the old or new programs until June 30, 2008 when the new program went into full effect.

At the 75th Annual Convention in Washington, D.C., August 23 to 26, 2006, Past District Governor Lauren Kelly, DTM, became the sixth person from Founder’s District to be elected International Director. In addition, Celly Adamo, DTM, was recognized for Excellence in Education and Training.

In 2006–2007 Founder’s District achieved Distinguished status under District Governor Celly Adamo, DTM. For outstanding leadership performance during this term, at the Hall of Fame Awards ceremony at the 76th Annual Convention in Phoenix, Arizona, August 17, 2007, Toastmasters International recognized Alanda Dyer, DTM, Lieutenant Governor of Education and Training for Excellence in Education and Training; and H. D. Boesch, DTM, Lieutenant Governor of Marketing for Excellence in Marketing.

In 2007-2008, during District Governor Alanda Dyer, DTM’s term, two of Founder’s District Leaders received special recognition at Toastmasters International Hall of Fame Awards ceremony at the 76th Annual Convention in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, August 15, 2008. District Lt. Governor Robert J. Hudack, DTM, was recognized for Excellence in Education and Training and Past District Governor Wilma M. Springer, DTM, was awarded a Presidential Citation for her exemplary contributions to Founder’s District. Alanda’s theme was ”Speak – Lead – Achieve”

In 2008-2009, during District Governor Bob Hudack’s, term, the district began electronic distribution of The Founder, and of club copies of district directories, resulting in thousands of dollars of savings to the district. This also resulted in more timely distribution of directories. Webmaster Dan Cossack and Treasurer Jimmy Adams implemented online preregistration and payment for district events. Founder’s District’s Facebook page was launched. At the 2009 77th Annual International Convention, Maira T. Pineda, ACS, ALS, Founder’s Governor Education and Training was recognized for Excellence in Education and Training. Bob’s theme was: “Members Transformed.”

2010 – Present – Embracing Technology

In 2009-2010, District Governor Maira Pineda’s theme was: “Be eXtraordinary”. To exemplify her theme, Maira inaugurated “The Homer Award” for Helen Blanchard who was the first woman member, first International President of Toastmasters. The first recipient was Jimmy Adams because of innovation, improvement, and logic in the treasurer’s duties for the District. At the 2010 78th Annual International Convention in Palm Desert, California, Ede Ferrari- D’Angelo, DTM, Founder’s Governor Education and Training was recognized for Excellence in Education and Training.

In 2010-11, District Governor, Ede Ferrari D’Angelo, chose her theme to be: “Inspiring Leaders and Communicators”. Toastmasters International updated the organization’s brand and discontinued the emblem used since its inception. It also included the International theme as the only one to be used by all districts throughout the world.

Under the leadership of District Governor Ede Ferrari D’Angelo, DTM, Founder’s District achieved Distinguished status and was ranked number 13 in the world. Among many activities that year, Ede re-introduced the Leadership Breakfast that was popular during the 1990s. This event brings together current and future District leaders for networking and educational opportunities. At the International Convention, Wes Hoover, DTM, Lieutenant Governor of Education and Training was recognized for Excellence in Education and Training and Richard Elliot, DTM, Lieutenant Governor of Marketing was recognized for Excellence in Marketing.

Founder’s District Governor for 2011-2012 is Wes Hoover, DTM. His term marked the first year of Toastmasters International’s brand implementation which launched the International theme “Where Leaders are Made.” His button complimented members by saying: “To Be The Best… Nothing Less”. This year, Founder’s District achieved Distinguished status. At the International Convention in Orlando, Victoria Dotson, DTM, Lieutenant Governor of Education and Training was recognized for Excellence in Education and Training and Harry Yan, DTM, Lieutenant Governor of Marketing was recognized for Excellence in Marketing.

In May 2012 Victoria Dotson, DTM, was elected to serve as Founder’s District Governor for the 2012-2013 term. Her concentration was “Working Together to Succeed”. In July of that year, Founder’s District T.V. was launched, created and produced by Daniel Cossack, DTM. In March 2013, Toastmasters International rewrote its Mission Statements and the Mission Statements for the District and the Club. The change expresses the values of the organization in a shorter, more concise format. At the International Convention in Cincinnati, Ohio, Harry Yan, DTM, Lieutenant Governor of Education and Training was recognized for Excellence in Education and Training. Norman Stein, DTM, and Dr. Frannie Stein, DTM, were both awarded the Presidential Citation Award. This is one of the highest honors from Toastmasters International to members who have shown continual support and dedication to the organization by helping building clubs, promoting leadership and providing significant contributions to his or her club and district.

Harry Yan, DTM became Founder’s District Governor for the 2013-2014 term. He challenged members to: “Pursue Your Passion. This year, 2014, is the 70th Anniversary of Founder’s District and the 90th Anniversary of Toastmasters International. Under the cool and methodical leadership of Harry Yan, Founder’s District achieved Select Distinguished status. The Toastmasters International Convention was held outside of the North American continent for the first time in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. There, Linda Ulrich, DTM, Lieutenant Governor of Education and Training, was recognized for Excellence in Education and Training while Pan Kao, DTM, Lieutenant Governor of Marketing was recognized for Excellence in Marketing.

In 2014-2015, Linda Ulrich, DTM, was the last district leader to have the title District Governor. Her theme was “Elevate Your Potential” with a graphic designed by Colette Gardner, DTM. At the Toastmasters International Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada, Pan Kao, DTM, was recognized for Excellence in Education and Training.

After the titles of District Officers were changed, Pan Kao, DTM became the first Founder’s District Director for the 2015-2016 term. His focus was to motivate members to “Join & Serve to Prosper.” Serving in Toastmasters is such a wonderful learning opportunity. Coincidentally, at the business meeting of the 2015 Fall Conference, District Council voted to reform (split) Founder’s District, forming a new District 100 to begin in July 2017. Now, even more leaders will be needed for two Districts. After winning at the Spring Conference, Josephine Lee went on to finish in third place at the Toastmasters International Convention’s World Champion of Public Speaking held in Washington, D.C.. Siri Payakapan, DTM was recognized for Excellence in Education and Training.