2013 Leadership Gathering

Founder’s District is seeking nominations for the positions of District Governor, Lt. Governor Education and Training, Lt. Governor of Marketing, and Division Governors.  These positions will be filled by election at the Spring Conference on April 20, 2013.

In addition, Area Governors will be appointed once the elections are completed for the opportunity to serve and develop stronger leadership skills you can use in all areas of life.  Wes Hoover is still accepting applications and nominations for elected positions.  Please contact Wes Hoover at wes.hooverdtm@gmail.com for more information.

If you are considering a leadership position in Founder’s District, now or anytime in the future, the Leadership Gathering this Saturday is the perfect place to network with other leaders and ask questions to help guide you in the right direction.  Take advantage of the great opportunity now.

Founder’s District has asked some of our most dynamic leaders to share their Toastmasters’ journeys at our 2013 Leadership Gathering, on Saturday, February 16th. You will be able to hear first-hand experiences in leadership development, gain insight into the leadership opportunities within Founder’s District and enjoy some mid-afternoon snacks. This invitation is limited to Club Officers and current Area Governors.

This is also a great opportunity for club members, who might be interested in becoming a Club Officer, to learn a little bit more about being an officer and the benefits. Please invite those members who you think would benefit from this great opportunity.

Location:  National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Date: Saturday, February 16, 2013

Time: 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm

RSVP by Thursday, February 14, 2013

For more information contact:  Alanda Dyer at adyer3@hotmail.com

Join us and find out how we can help you to shine!



