April Braswell, DTM CGD-elect

Presenter Bio


  • 2022-2023 Division A Director
  • 2023-2024 North Division Director

Member of:

  • Christian Century 100 
  • HB Rise & Shine Toastmasters Club 179
  • Helmsman Club 770
  • Crystal Clear Toastmasters 9332

April Braswell joined Toastmasters in September 2019 on the encouragement of her fiance, a former Toastmaster, to join Toastmasters to rebuild her professional Speaker Skills after longterm illness. April joined in September and became a club officer 4 months later on the encouragement of her Area Director Wei Wang during one of his visits. Since joining, April has been an enthusiastic Toastmaster, serving as a Club Officer in two  Districts, and as a District Leader since 2021, 4 months after completing chemotherapy. 

At the start of the Pandemic, she launched an ad hoc Technology Zoom Training clinic under the support of her Division Director, Giselle Nguyen, training Club Officers started and confident using Zoom. She has twice served successfully as a Club Coach. Additionally, she led trainings on “Empower Every Member” on inviting visitors and “How to Write an Effective Press Release” in both Founders District and District 100.

April served as a Select Distinguished Area Director, and is presently serving in her second term as a Division Director. While an Area Director, she served 4x as the District’s LACE VPPR Trainer. She was a 4x Contest Master at the Virtual Speech Contests. She received the Spirit of Excellence award from Founders District in November 2021 and earned her first DTM in Pathways in September 2022. April served as District 100’s “Journey to DTM” trainer and on their Club Coach Panel Winter 2023

April is an Author, Trainer, Speaker and Coach entrepreneur with an award-winning Executive Coaching practice in Newport Beach. She is thrilled to be sober over 5.5 years. You can find her frequently connecting in Social Media and promoting the positive impact of joining a Toastmasters club in her community.

April Braswell, DTM is the Founders District Club Growth Director Elect. She is a sales and marketing professional since she was 14 years old.