Leadership With a Personal Touch

Ede photo 2010 2

People often believe that true leaders are born; that somehow, at birth they were given the leadership gene.  If you are one of those people who feel that you weren’t blessed with that gene, International Director Ede Ferrari-D’Angelo is going to prove to you that the following words by leadership expert Warren Bennis are true- “leaders are made, not born”. If that sounds familiar, think about the Toastmasters tag line, Where Leaders are Made.  Coincidence?  Perhaps.

Like many people who join Toastmasters, Ede joined to improve her communication skills. Over her 27 year journey, she found herself frequently in positions where she was required to manage, lead and coach.  Through that Ede has developed her own approach to leadership, which she will share with you in her session titled Leadership with a Personal Touch.

Ede Ferrari-D’Angelo, a Toastmaster since 1987, is a past Founder’s District Governor, Brand Ambassador, and Region Advisor.  She was elected to the Toastmasters Board of Directors last August, in Malaysia, and will serve until August 2016. Of all the quotes by Toastmaster Founder, Ralph Smedley, the one that resonates with Ede most is “people learn best in times of enjoyment”.  She feels that with Toastmasters she is either preparing for or going to a party, because every experience in the organization is so much fun.

We know you will enjoy this session with Ede.



