New Project Managers Toastmasters Club Coming to Irvine, CA

How often are Project Managers required to be not only leaders, but effective speakers? All the time! Since June 8th, 2010 one of the Project Management Institute (PMI-OC) members, David Shostak, PMP approached the PMI-OC Senior leadership on the possibility of the PMI-OC Chapter helping to support a Toastmasters Club. David, an active Toastmaster himself, realized that there were many benefits to project managers utilizing the Toastmasters program.

Well David is doing it again! He is starting a second Project Managers Toastmasters club in Irvine, CA.

The new OC Project Managers Club II will focus on Project Management related principles and topics as does the club in Huntington Beach. The members are given the opportunity to lead, speak, and volunteer for various meeting duties in a comfortable setting. And, as an added benefit, Club members, who are also PMP’s, are able to earn free PDU’s depending on the activities the member is involved in.

If you are interested in learning more about the OCPM group in Irvine please attend the Demonstration Open House Meeting on Thursday, January 16th, 2014 at Atria Senior Center, 1 Whitherspoon, Irvine, CA 7 pm. See link to flyer.

Or if you live in North County you can visit the club in Huntington Beach, on Mondays, 7-8:30 PM, at Carrows Restaurant, 16931 Magnolia Avenue Huntington Beach, CA. Meetings are open to all. For more information about the OC Project Masters Toastmasters Club, please visit There is a nominal $36 semi-annual fee to become a member of the Club.

Visitors at the Irvine open house will be able to network with members and learn about the club’s meetings, which focus on helping attendees improve leadership, communication, and listening skills in a supportive setting. As part of Toastmasters International, members of the OC Project Masters Toastmasters Club gain valuable experience by delivering presentations and receiving and giving effective evaluations. Members also earn professional development units at each meeting through a partnership with the Project Management Institute Orange County Chapter (PMI-OC).

According to Dave Cornelius, PMP also a sponsor of the second club and past president of the OC Project Masters Toastmasters Club, the event is an excellent opportunity for guests to learn about the club and its focus on developing communications and leadership skills in an encouraging social and professional environment. “We are committed to helping people gain the competence they need to become confident, bold communicators and successful leaders,” Cornelius said. “The skills learned at our meetings translate across to the work environment. Our members see improvement in time management and organization skills, as well as increased productivity. By becoming a better speaker, you become a better leader. I look forward to meeting many guests at our open house demonstration meeting.”



