Month: September 2015

  • Meeting Minutes

    Meeting minutes: 1. Minutes – August 5, 2015 2. Minutes – August 19, 2015 3. Minutes – August 29, 2015 4. Minutes – August 31, 2015 5. Minutes – September 9, 2015 6. Minutes – September 17, 2015 7. Minutes – September 19, 2015 – Voting Results

  • Minutes 8-5-2015


  • District Split Information

    District Split Proposal Approved! Updated March 9, 2016 The District Split Proposal has been approved by Board of Directors in their February meeting. Congratulations to members and Split Committee for moving into the future. We are all set for elections for two districts at the Spring Conference. This is the official home page for Founder’s District…

  • Leadership Workshop

    Leadership Workshop

    Leadership Workshop Sunday November 8, 2015 10:00am – 2:00pm Phoenix Club 1340 S Sanderson Ave. Anaheim, CA 92806 Have you considered leadership roles outside your club? Mike Storkey, the Toastmasters International President Elect, overseeing the 350,000 Toastmasters worldwide, started as you did – as a club member, then club leader, and eventually grew through the…

  • Fritz Coleman

    Fritz Coleman

    NBC4 Fritz Coleman Fritz Coleman is NBC4 Southern California’s weathercaster for NBC4 News at 5, 6 and 11 p.m. A Southern California broadcasting icon, Coleman is well known for his sense of humor and extensive knowledge of weather. He joined NBC4 in February 1982 as the weekend weathercaster, and moved into weekdays in June 1984.…

  • Mike Storkey

    Mike Storkey

      International President-Elect Mike Storkey Mike Storkey, DTM, of Townsville, Queensland, Australia, is a business trainer and coach at Storkeys’Team, a business he cofounded in 2005. He helps small business owners develop strategic business plans and trains members of local govern- ment bodies throughout the Queensland region. He also hosts seminars in change management, team…

  • Knott’s Berry Farm Hotel

    Knott’s Berry Farm Hotel

    Hotel Directions Knott’s Berry Farm Resort Hotel 7675 Crescent Avenue Buena Park, CA 90620     Knott’s Berry Farm Hotel – The Perfect Venue for the Spring District Conference The largest meeting and convention facility in the area, the Knott’s Berry Farm Hotel offers more than 20,000 square feet of flexible meeting and event space.…

  • Linda Ulrich’s Roast, Toast, and Boast

    Linda Ulrich’s Roast, Toast, and Boast

    There’s a tradition in Founder’s District. Every year we thank our Immediate Past District Governor (IPDG) for their service to Founder’s District and our members by holding a roast, toast, and boast in their honor. This year, we will hold a “roast, toast, and boast” for Linda Ulrich at Mama Cozza’s. The cost is $25.00…

  • The Founder, Vol 53 Issue 1

    In This Issue: Photos from the International Convention Imagine What Can Happen to You The Luckiest Guy in the World Vineyard Journey Celebrates Anniversary and More!   The Founder/2010-2019/Founder Vol 53 Iss 1 Sept 2015-16.pdf