Speaker Exchange Program

Clubs that host speakers from outside their club create interest among their members. Attendance and participation increases after they watch a dynamic speech. Toastmasters that can’t get enough “stage time” in their own club can get it by visiting clubs who are craving more speakers to listen to and enjoy. Visiting guests seeing full, exciting programs are much more likely to join than when speakers are sparse at meetings. The Speaker Exchange Program coordinates speaking opportunities for Toastmasters clubs to receive outside “guest” speakers and provides many benefits to both the presenter and audience.

  • Observe a variety of speaking styles
  • Gain valuable feedback from a new knowledge base
  • Receive “fresh” evaluations from different perspectives
  • Practice facilitating a training seminar to a smaller groups
  • Study other clubs’ meeting processes
  • Streamline your club’s agenda
  • Meet many new people
  • Make new friends
  • And much, much more!

How Do I Take Part in the Exchange?

Founders District Speaker Exchange Program coordinates speaking opportunities for you to speak at clubs other than your own with opportunities for your club to request “guest” Toastmasters to come and speak at their meetings. Energize your club with an outside speaker today. Enable yourself to give speeches at other clubs today. Email your Speaker Exchange Chair – Lee Lance, Lee.Lance.TM@gmail.com – and get started today: Once all your correct data is in, we’ll email you with all your potential “matches” – hopefully, one or more. Note: As your facilitators, we don’t make any matches, we just set up the process for members and clubs. You (two) get to take it from there. We’d really would like to hear how any matches work out though! Please let us know. Now that you know all this, read on!

Here’s How You Ask to Visit Other Clubs to Speak

If you’re a Founders District Toastmaster, just email – in list (checklist) format, please! – to your Speaker Exchange Chair – your:

  • Name and level (CC, CL, etc.)
  • Best phone number.
  • All your clubs’ names and clubs’ numbers.
  • All times and days you can speak at another club.
  • Also let us know the Areas, Divisions, and cities that are good for you.
  • Be sure to say if you’re available District-wide.

Check to be sure you included each of the above items in your email, and then please title your email: “I want to visit a club to speak!” Remember:The bigger your target area (geo and days/times) for speaking, the easier it is for you to score a hit!

Here’s How Your Club Asks for Guest Toastmasters to Visit and Speak

If you are your club’s VPE, just email – in list (checklist)format, please! – to your Speaker Exchange Chair – your:

  • Club name and club number.
  • Area, Division, city, and address.
  • Meeting times, days, and frequency.
  • Also let us know how often you are likely to want a guest speaker to visit your club.

Check to be sure you included each of the above items in your ema il, and then please title your email: “My club wants visitors!” Remember: A full program, new faces and voices, and new speech topics can boost interest in your club’s membership, and also attract new members to join! And Note:If you are a busy, weekly club, consider a goal of one guest speaker per month or per quarter at your meetings. If you need more to flesh out your program, however, by all means ask!

Here’s How Your Area/Division Asks for a Test Speaker

If you are your area’s/division’s Contestmaster (or assistant), just email – in list (checklist)format, please! – to your Speaker Exchange Chair – your:

  • Area/Division needing the test speaker and for what contest.
  • City and address for the contest.
  • Contest time, day and date.

Check to be sure you included each of the above items in your email, and then please title your email: “My Area wants a test speaker!” or “My Division wants a test speaker!” Remember: A new (i.e., unfamiliar) face and voice is essential for your contest!




