Officer Roles and Positions


Leadership Positions

We’re currently taking applications for the following leadership roles within Founders.  Take a look, read the duties, and apply using the forms supplied below.


      Duties of the District Officers

      District Governor

      • The District Governor shall report to and take direction from the District Council in matters pertaining to District organization, programs, and procedures, but the District Governor shall be ultimately responsible to the Board of Directors in the exercise of his or her powers and duties.
      • The District Governor shall uphold and promote the purposes of Toastmasters International in the District.
      • As the representative of Toastmasters International, the District Governor, personally and through the Lieutenant Governors, shall carry out the programs approved by the Board of Directors and the District Council.
      • The District Governor presides at all meetings of the District Council and the District Executive Committee; fills such appointive offices as are provided for in these Administrative Bylaws, subject to the approval of the District Executive Committee and confirmation by the District Council; authorizes withdrawals of District funds, in the manner and to the extent provided in Article XII of these Administrative Bylaws; and must approve all withdrawals chargeable to the District on the books of Toastmasters International.
      • By the published deadlines, the District Governor shall submit to the Board of Directors any reports that may be required by the Board of Directors.
      • The District Governor shall provide to each member Club in this District and to World Headquarters, copies of the adopted budget, the report of the Audit Committee, and such other reports as the Board of Directors from time to time may require.
      • The District Governor shall furnish World Headquarters with such information as the Board of Directors from time to time may require before the District shall be eligible to withdraw funds of Toastmasters International authorized by the Board of Directors for District activities and operations.

        Lieutenant Governor Education and Training

        • The Lieutenant Governor Education and Training is the second ranking member of the District Executive Committee, and presides over that body and the District Council in the absence of the District Governor.
        • The Lieutenant Governor Education and Training assists the Education Committees of the member Clubs and Areas and Divisions of the District in utilizing the educational programs and materials of Toastmasters International and has the responsibility for: the training of all Division, Area and Club Officers; the preparing and conducting of educational programs for District Conferences; the supervising and coordinating of District-wide speech contests; and the formulating of specific educational recognition programs.
        • The Lieutenant Governor Education and Training shall attend District Council meetings.

          Lieutenant Governor Marketing

          • The Lieutenant Governor Marketing is the third ranking member of the District Executive Committee, and presides over that body and the District Council in the absence of the District Governor and Lieutenant Governor Education and Training.
          • The Lieutenant Governor Marketing is responsible for the development, direction, and coordination of an overall marketing plan necessary for building new member Clubs; the increase in individual membership and retaining members in the District; the recruitment and training of District marketing teams; and the formulation of specific membership building recognition programs.
          • The Lieutenant Governor Marketing shall attend District Council meetings.
          • The Public Relations Officer serves under the direction of the District Governor and is responsible for the development and administration of a public relations program that will provide improved understanding by individual members of Clubs and the public of the opportunities available for personal development in the Toastmasters International Communication and Leadership programs.

            Division Governors

            • The Division Governors shall coordinate the activities of Area Governors within the Division, and provide Area Officers with a supervisory head for counsel, information, and service.

            Area Governors

            • The Area Governors shall be responsible for the member Clubs within their Areas and shall represent the District Governor and, if applicable, the Division Governor to the Clubs in their Areas. As presiding Officer of the Area Council, the Area Governor shall hold regular Area Council Meetings, and shall appoint (or provide for the election by Clubs in the Area of) an Area staff for the conduct of Area activities between Area Council Meetings.
            • The Area Governor shall perform such other duties as the District Governor and District Council may prescribe.

            District Secretary

            • The District Secretary shall have custody of this District’s Administrative Bylaws and all other records and documents of this District; shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the District Council and District Executive Committee; and shall transmit the same to the successor.
            • The District Secretary shall have charge of all District correspondence, and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the District Governor or District Council.

              District Treasurer

              • The District Treasurer shall have charge of all funds and other personal property of the District and shall transmit the accounts and all undistributed funds to the successor.
              • The District Treasurer shall disburse all funds upon order of the District Governor, as provided herein, and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the District Governor or District Council.



